Medication is NOT the Answer… (in most cases)
Anxiously HUMAN
March 14, 2019
News Flash: your brain is made up of natural substances, not chemicals made in a lab.
It has always stumped me. Ever since I can remember as an adolescent, therapists and psychiatrists were always pushing me to take pills.
I always wondered:
Why don’t they want to figure out what’s causing these symptoms or bad feelings? Won’t medicine just cover them up?
Ever heard the expression, “It’s like putting a band aid on a bullet wound?”
Yes, that’s exactly the sentiment I am getting at here. It took months or years of dysfunctional environment and interaction to get to the point of depression, anxiety, and other mental issues. So how is a magic pill going to fix it?
It will help you function, it will mask the pain and put you on autopilot, like a happy little sheep walking amongst wolves. The wolves are your demons and inner sh*t that needs addressing. They do not go away when you take meds.
Medication is like rose-colored glasses for life and emotional issues.
Upon studying the field of psychology, working through my own “demons”, and talking to a plethora of other people suffering from depression/anxiety/etc…. I have come to a conclusion. Most people do not need medication, they need a life change and positive interactions. All the bad shit will slowly work it’s way out of you like pus from a wound.
Let me tell you one thing…
It will not be roses everyday. It will be ugly as all the bad shit comes to the surface.
Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “what is a life change?”. Well, it’s a complete overhaul of your environment. I’ll give you a short list of the main areas to address:
-Your home (clear it out of clutter — even your closet, bad memorabilia, clean it top to bottom, remove old photographs that trigger anger or sadness, and OPEN THE WINDOWS AND LET LIGHT IN everyday.)
-Your circle (this includes family. Any friends that constantly complain, hate their life, encourage you to numb yourself with alcohol/drugs, or take/drain you in any way — GET RID OF THEM as nicely as possible. Or just stop speaking to them.)
-Your work (if you do something you loathe everyday, how would you not be depressed? Reevaluate, downsize your cost of living if need be, find something that gives you a positive sense of self each day — NO MATTER THE COST, it’s worth it.)
-Your health (throw out the shitty, sugar and salt-loaded food in your house. Soda and drinks with artificial sugar/chemicals. STOP DRINKING AND DOING DRUGS. You’re making things worse. This is probably one of the most important tips.)
-Your support (find one person who is knowledgeable and understands how to support you, that you can learn from. Preferably someone who lives a healthy life.)
This is a general guideline, and if additional guidance is needed there will be more information to follow this from myself, or there are endless resources online.
What is my goal or purpose of telling you this information? What do I get out of it?
Knowing less people are medicated zombies and actually dealing with their emotional pain.
I did it, so can you. I never let them medicate me. Was it difficult not to “cheat” or take the easy route? FUCK YES. It was way harder. But I have the mental strength of probably 10 people combined (no matter how mushy and emotional I can be dammit), and I never took the crutch that the system tries to literally and figuratively shove down your throat.
Feeling drugged, in a haze, or in an altered state of consciousness does not sound like a good life to me, and I don’t want that for other people either. My PURPOSE IN LIFE is to help as many people as possible get in control and see how strong they really are. To help them see how even though they may have to take baby steps and fall a couple times on the way, they can heal and thrive while being 100% in their own state of consciousness.
There is no better feeling on earth than empowerment.
Self-healing builds confidence, self-worth, and resilience to handle all the shit life can (and will) throw at you. There are many ways to fight feelings of depression and anxiety without medication, which is a temporary chemical band aid. Your pain will manifest itself in other ways later in life if you don’t HANDLE IT NOW.
Disclaimer: This article is referring to people affected by depression and anxiety due to environment and interactional/interpersonal circumstances. I understand that in rare cases, someone may have a true physiological impairment in the neurotransmitters or glands that medication may be the only solution. But these cases are extremely rare. Most depression and anxiety comes from past or current trauma or dysfunction, and a toxic thought/behavior pattern that your brain developed to deal with those situations.
You can get better, you can retrain your brain and heal yourself.
As always, I appreciate your time and attention. If you or someone you know struggles with depression or anxiety, and they want an alternative approach to pharmaceuticals, I would love for you to share this. Also, there are additional resources on my Instagram page gabby_fox_ .