The Truth About Nutrition….

Based on personal experience and years of reading & eating.

Gabrielle Fox
3 min readMar 7, 2018

There are enough fad diets and whacky food allergy diets going around to make a person absolutely nuts. The health freaks of the world have made eating so confusing and stressful that it has almost become a chore! Food should be at least somewhat enjoyable. So why have all these restrictions and “bad” foods made our daily eating routine miserable?

The answer is quite simple: people want something to BLAME for their health or appearance. Overweight? You must have a gluten allergy. Low energy? You need to stop eating meat. Skin breaking out? You need to cut sugar. Excuse after excuse after excuse, but what needs to really happen is accountability.

According to a study reported on, going gluten-free has no real health benefits for people who don’t suffer from celiac disease. Now, I am sure there is a very small percentage of the population that actually has a gluten allergy, however, it did not suddenly become an epidemic in the last few years.

I like to call this type of affliction the FOOD-HYPOCHONDRIAC DISEASE, or blaming your problems on certain types of food. Yes, it is as ridiculous as it sounds.

The simplest way to explain what is good vs bad to put in your body is to remember what your body is made of — water and natural materials. Not chemicals, preservatives, or GMO products.

So when you want to get serious about being healthy and eating healthy, just ask yourself a question: “What is in this food I am about to ingest?” If the answer is any of the 3 aforementioned items, you can bet it is not going to be received well internally.

Three pretty simple guidelines have proven useful to me personally, as I have an extremely lean, healthy body and monster of an immune system.

  • First, do not drink or eat anything with artificial sweetener or “fat-free” or “low-fat” on the label. The chemicals they use to replace the fat and sugar will actually make you gain fat because the body cannot process artificial ingredients well.
  • Second, canned foods or preserved foods are full of chemicals, so other than maybe an occasional soup, avoid these as well. Again, the body cannot break these down properly. As of last year, Safer found companies that sell canned foods still contain BPA, a dangerous chemical known to disrupt hormone levels.
  • Last, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Each one is unique and we all react differently to different foods and diets. What works for your friend may not work for you.

In a nutshell, natural is the best “diet” or fad to get into. Whether that means getting your meat from a local butcher, to buying organic from the local Farmer’s Market and avoiding chemically processed or GMO products. Your all natural body will thank you, and you should see a significant difference in your health.

Remember even good things can be bad if not done in moderation!



Gabrielle Fox
Gabrielle Fox

Written by Gabrielle Fox

Christian | Psychologist | Sovereign Holistic Blog | Realist. I don’t mince words. Writing is my therapy, and it helps others too…

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